The best thing about Sput Targets powder burst targets is they are fun to shoot regardless of the caliber. Many of our customers report that they used them with high caliber rifles such as .300 win mag, 6.5 creedmor, 30-06, .270 win and many others to practice long range shooting. The beauty with the Sput Targets, is they are an upgraded paper target! They still show your shot afterwards for examination of your shot placement, but they also give immediate feedback on if you hit the target, let alone where you want to be hitting, the middle!
The important thing to remember with Sput Targets, is whatever gun or firearm you use, it needs to be faster then 300fps. This ensures that your bullet or projectile, has enough force to break the front, then the back of target to get the full powder effect. Sput Targets also work great with pistol shooting. Having the targets close and lined up allows for different drills, techniques to be mastered by going from target to target like in competitions and other shooting scenarios. The immediate reactive targets helps you continue with your drills and shooting so you don’t have to stop to analyze shot placement.